Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Approaches to System Development

System Development Life Cycle

Two main approaches to SDLC 
     • Predictive Approach
           - assumes project can be planned in advance.
     • Adaptive Approach
           - assumes project cannot be planned in advance, an example of it is prototyping. 

The kind of approach to take depends on the kind of project being or to be implemented. If the project requirements should be well understood, predictive approach should be applied. On the other hand, if the requirements are uncertain, it falls into adaptive approach.
Traditional Predictive Approach to the SDLC
     • Project Planning
           - first phase, plan schedule,obtain project approval
           - this is the phase where the problem is identified
     • Analysis
           - understand business needs and processing requirements
           - project team understand the nature of the problem and formulates solution to it 
     • Design
           - define system based solution for requirements and analysis decisions
           - detailed solution specification
     • Implementation
           - construct, test, train users and install new system
           - the system is built and installed
     • Support
           - keep system running and improve

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